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Just Purchased Bono Kamado Grill? 

Before assembling and using KAMADO BONO for the first time, please read the recommendations below.
This information will help you to safely use your KAMADO BONO.
Please carefully read and follow the safety recommendations!
NEVER TOUCH, MOVE or LIFT the grill with hot charcoal inside or when it is not yet cooled.
Do not forget about the risk of injury from the metal parts of the grill, therefore always handle its mounting elements, metal surfaces, stainless steel air vents etc. with care.
Beware of fire hazards when firing charcoal, using matches or a lighter, grilling on the hot charcoal or touching hot surface.

If you do Not use the Grill, prepare it for longer storage. 

Clean the grease and food residue from the grids and remove the ashes. Make sure that all parts of the grill are clean and dry. Do not forget to clean vents and grids of the firebox.
If you are not going to use the barbecue grill for a long time, cover it with a special cover and periodically check that no external moisture or condensation gets into the inside of your KAMADO BONO. Store the bamboo trays in a dry place to protect them from mould. If you want to use the barbecue again after the winter storage, it is recommended to light a small amount of charcoal and heat it slowly up to 170–175 °C to remove moisture, ashes and food residues.

Any hot food preparation appliance must be handled in a careful manner. 

When preparing food, remember that the grill, barbecue grids and charcoal are hot.
The grill should be transported, moved or lifted carefully because of its heavy weight. If you want to move, lift, load or unload the barbecue grill, be very careful – the parts of metal structure can cause injury.
NEVER place the grill on wooden or other flammable surfaces. When in use, the ceramic base bottom emits heat, so the nearby objects may catch fire. Use the barbecue grill away from flammable materials.
Never lean on the barbecue or its separate parts (e.g. handle). Do not allow children to play near the burning or hot barbecue grill. Regularly check that all mounting elements are tightened.

The metal rings of KAMADO BONO barbecue grill are designed to hold the construction; therefore, it is very important to ensure that all the intersections are properly and securely tightened. It is especially important to check your grill after the first few grilling sessions. Do not tighten metal rings too hard because the grill can crack. Later, it is recommended to check all the fasteners at least twice a year.

Your Kamado Bono Grill will love only natural lump charcoal. 

If you use lump charcoal, your KAMADO can maintain the required temperature according to your chosen cooking method. Always use only the best quality natural lump charcoal. Most of the charcoal and charcoal briquettes are made by using wood waste, chemical impurities, oil products and other materials not suitable for cooking food. Such charcoal leaves a lot of ash which may hinder the air flow in the grill firebox and chemical impurities can distort taste of the baked food. The use of poor quality charcoal will make it harder for you to maintain a constant temperature over a longer period of time.

Always cover lid when grilling. 

You will be surprised how it is easy to grill the real steak in 330 °C – all you need to do is to cover the grill lid. Your KAMADO BONO will do all other work for you. Your KAMADO BONO lid must be properly placed when cooking. When checking or replacing the grilled food try to close the KAMADO BONO lid as fast as possible to maintain the constant grilling temperature. After then you can adjust the grilling temperature using the air vents. When the lid is open wide, the flame will increase and the grilling temperature will rise - in this case the food will not be well done. Also, remember that open flame must not be left unattended. If you want to open the hot barbecue grill, do it carefully.
Do not lift the lid with a sudden movement. If you need to open the hot grill (when the temperature is higher than 200 °C), lift the lid slightly several times so that air from the outside would get into the grill slowly and gradually and not cause flame bursts or wind draft which may burn your hands. Do not allow children to touch or open the hot barbecue grill.

Never use water to extinguish the fire in the grill. 

After cooking, simply close top and bottom air vents. This will extinguish the flame and the remaining charcoal can be used the next time.

Do Not use water to clean the inside of the barbecue grill. 

KAMADO BONO grill is designed so that it is self-cleaned. If you clean your grill with water its porous walls will absorb the liquid. After cooking, cover the lid and close both air vents. The food residues and deposits will burn and carbonize. Before the next cooking clean the barbecue grids with a special detergent and a brush specially designed for cleaning your KAMADO BONO.

Do Not move or replace burning charcoal.

The fire in your KAMADO BONO can burn very efficiently without your help. The grill is designed so that, once lit, all the charcoal in the grill will catch fire at the same moment, so it is best not to touch the coal when it is burning. The original KAMADO BONO grids for charcoal are uniquely designed so that the air flow will help them maintain the selected temperature in the best way and as long as possible.

Regularly check that all fasteners are tightened. 

The metal rings of your KAMADO BONO keep the lid tight; therefore it is very important to ensure that all fasteners are properly and securely tightened. It is extremely important to check all fasteners when you are starting to use your KAMADO BONO and have used it just several times. Later, it is recommended to check all fasteners at least twice a year.

Make sure the the bottom vent is properly placed in the grill. 

If the pushed bottom air vent and protective grid have been removed and you want to place them back, first put the grid on two loops that are located on the left. Then place the vent so that it is hanging over the grid (and not beyond it), and hang the vent in the right loop. To remove ashes from the grill, just push the grid to the right. You do not need to remove the grid completely. When you use the barbecue grill, the grid must always be in place pushed towards the left side. The air vent regulates the air flow, whereas the protective grid is meant to protect against sparks. Do not forget about the risk of injury from the sharp metal parts of the grill. Do not touch them when the grill is hot.


When not in use, cover the grill lid and close the top and bottom vents. It is important to keep your KAMADO BONO away from moisture and rain. Put a special water resistant cover on the grill and store all metal or ceramic accessories inside the barbecue grill.

Do not use the flammable liquid to light the fire. 

The flammable liquid will be absorbed into the surface of the KAMADO BONO, and chemical materials will contaminate the barbecue grill for a long time and spoil the taste of grilled food. Use odourless, dry and solid charcoal matches to light the barbecue grill. It is the fastest way to light the grill and reach the required grilling temperature without contaminating your CAMADO BONO grill with chemical materials.

Just Purchased Bono Kamado Grill? 

Before assembling and using KAMADO BONO for the first time, please read the recommendations below.
This information will help you to safely use your KAMADO BONO.
Please carefully read and follow the safety recommendations!
NEVER TOUCH, MOVE or LIFT the grill with hot charcoal inside or when it is not yet cooled.
Do not forget about the risk of injury from the metal parts of the grill, therefore always handle its mounting elements, metal surfaces, stainless steel air vents etc. with care.
Beware of fire hazards when firing charcoal, using matches or a lighter, grilling on the hot charcoal or touching hot surface.

Lighting the Kamado Bono barbecue grill. 

Use odourless, dry and solid charcoal matches to light the barbecue grill. Keep the barbecue grill lighting instructions. Food grilled on natural charcoal has a unique taste.
Do not grill food using high temperature for the first few times.
When the flame is too big it can damage the gasket before it is properly adjusted. For the first grilling sessions select a temperature less than 177 °C, the gasket then will get completely adjusted to the KAMADO BONO grill. If you damage the gasket, buy a new self-adhesive gasket suitable for high temperatures.

Beware of fire hazards. 

Open flames may be dangerous for people and environment. Follow the requirements of minimum distance from structures and flammable objects defined in the General Fire Safety Rules. Do not leave burning and open grill unattended. When using the grill, the hot ashes dropped out of it may present fire hazard to nearby objects. Use the grill further from flammable materials such as dry leaves, wooden coverage, etc. When using the grill at a picnic, choose a proper environment for grilling food. Use the grill with great care in drought areas which may present increased fire hazard. Do not move the hot grill. Never allow children to play near the burning or hot grill.
While preparing food, never leave the open grill unattended, especially when the weather is windy.
Strong wind increases fire hazard, as the gust of wind may blow the ashes and ember out of the grill. Strong wind gusts may remove the lid. This can cause a fire or injury. For the above-mentioned reasons it is recommended to use the grill very carefully in windy weather conditions.

Always wear heat-resistant gloves.

Save your hands from burning when touching hot ceramic parts or grilling surface. Do not forget that hot parts of barbecue grill can only be put on non-flammable and heat-resistant surfaces.
Keep charcoal dry.
Damp charcoal will burn anyway; however, it will require a lot more effort to light it. Charcoal from the previous grilling is suitable to use; however, it can be damp, especially in the rainy weather. In such a case, add more dry charcoal to the firebox and mix the newly added charcoal with the used charcoal – you will light the grill faster.

It is strictly forbidden to use Kamado Bono indoors. 

This grill designed for outdoor use only, in the areas where there is proper air ventilation and further from buildings. Do not use it in close space or inside a vehicle. It is forbidden to light the grill in or near storage area where flammable materials may be stored.

After baking, always close both vents. By doing so you will cut off the air supply and your KAMADO BONO will cool down.

Keep the inside of Kamado Bono barbecue grill from moisture. 

Keep your grill away from rain; try to protect the inside of the grill from water. When not in use, cover the grill with a protective water resistant cover. You can enjoy your KAMADO even if it is raining or snowing; however, the inside must be protected from moisture. In cold weather conditions the water inside the grill may freeze and ceramic parts may crack. Therefore, do not use water to clean the inside of the grill.

It is strictly forbidden to modify parts of Kamado Bono or use parts that are not original.

The user is responsible for the safe use of grill and compliance with safety measures.
Any replacement of its parts can cause damage or injury and in this case the warranty will not be applied.

KAMADO BONO is a very safe grill. As long as it is used as intended and in compliance with safety measures, you can use your KAMADO for a long time.

Kamado Bono can be used all year round. 

Your KAMADO grill is made by using the most advanced modern technology. This is why your KAMADO can endure high temperature difference and maintain the desired grilling temperature regardless of the weather conditions. You can enjoy grilled food in winter and summer. You can make a delicious steak even on a frosty day. However, after the use, make sure that the inside of the grill is covered so that it is protected from moisture, water or snow. If there is water or moisture inside your KAMADO BONO, wipe it dry and then light a small amount of charcoal and gradually heat the barbecue grill up to 170–175 °C.

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